Natural Gas Pipeline - Friction Factor
Steel Pipe Dimensions
PE Pipe Dimensions
Gas Data
Friction Factor
Friction Factor - Colebrook
Friction factor calculated for pipe roughness and Reynolds number; most popular equation for general gas transmission pipelines.
Friction Factor - Modified Colebrook
Modified Colebrook equation based on US Bureau of Mines experiments; gives higher pressure drop compared to original Colebrook equation.
Friction Factor - Weymouth
Does not consider pipe roughness; uses an efficiency factor used for high-pressure gas gathering systems; most conservative equation that gives highest pressure drop for given flow rate.
Friction Factor - AGA NB-13
Transmission factor calculated for partially turbulent and fully turbulent flow considering roughness, bend index, and Reynolds number.
Friction Factor - Panhandle A
Panhandle equations do not consider pipe roughness; instead, an efficiency factor is used; less conservative than Colebrook or AGA.
Friction Factor - Panhandle B