Pipeline Engineering
HDD Design $USD / Year
HDD Installation and Analysis - Steel Pipe $109.00
HDD Inadvertent Return (Frac-out) Analysis $84.00
HDD Pull Back: Roller Support Spacing and Lift Bend Radius $59.00
HDD Construction Load - PE Pipe $84.00

Crossing Design $USD / Year
Pipeline Highway Crossing Design - API RP 1102 $99.00
Pipeline Railroad Crossing Design - API RP 1102 $99.00
CEPA Surface Loading Calculation - Buried Pipeline $84.00
Buried PE Pipe Design - Large Vehicle Load $84.00
External Load Design - Buried PE Pipe $84.00
Corrugated HDPE Pipe Structural Analysis $99.00

Stress Analysis $USD / Year
Steel Buried Line - Pipe Stress Analysis $35.00
Steel Pipe Local Stress at Support $35.00
Pipe Support Spacing Calculation $35.00
Pipeline Lowering and Roping Design $59.00
ASME B31.8 - Reinforcement of Weld Branch Calculation $59.00
ASME B31.4 - Reinforcement of Weld Branch Calculation $59.00

Pipeline Geohazards Assessment $USD / Year
Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) Analysis $59.00
Buried Pipeline Strain Assessment Under Landslides $84.00

Hydrogen Pipeline $USD / Year
ASME B31.12 Hydrogen Pipeline Design Pressure $35.00

Miscellaneous $USD / Year
Gas Blowdown Time - AGA Equation $35.00
Natural Gas Line Purging - AGA Procedure $35.00
Above Grade Pipe Insulation Thickness Calculation $35.00
Pipeline Purge - Liquid Displacement $84.00
Hydrostatic Test Pressure Calculation $59.00
Buoyancy Control Calculations - Steel Pipe $59.00
PE Pipe - Marine Installation Design $59.00